Membership Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who are BRAYN members?
BRAYN members are youth-serving organizations looking to strengthen their organization and network through shared planning, learning and resource development.
How much is the membership fee?
Our membership fee is not monetary. Our fee is your organization’s commitment to the mission and the work of strengthening the youth services field.
Does my organization need to be certified?
Certification is for youth organizations interested in working with the East Baton Rouge Parish School System to ensure quality programs are safely and equitably distributed throughout the schools.
Can my organization obtain membership without certification?
We encourage all members to be certified, but it is not a requirement for members who do not intend to work in the school system.
What’s the point of the certification?
Certification tells the district and families that your organization operates safely, has qualified staff, is in compliance with safety standards, and can show proof of effectiveness because you measure it.
How do I renew my membership?
Memberships are renewed annually in January by signing an MOU, updating your information and program pages, and serving in a working group.
What are the benefits of being a BRAYN member?
The benefits of being a member are networking, shared-funding opportunities, mini-grants, support for developing collaboration, and training.
What are the benefits of being a Certified BRAYN member?
The benefits of being a Certified BRAYN member are networking, shared-funding opportunities, mini-grants, support for developing collaboration, training, access to district resources instrumental in strengthening school-community partnerships (training, facilities, transportation, data, joint funding opportunities, copying, legal, materials, etc.
Why does BRAYN have working groups?
To make major strides and eliminate global youth development barriers your expertise and collaboration is needed. It’s what makes the network work!