Sports & Recreation
Research shows that participating in youth sports can lead to immediate and long-term benefits for youth, their families, and communities. Sports participation benefits the physical health of youth, as well as their mental, emotional, and social health. BRAYN aims to connect families to Sports & Recreation programs in their zipcode!

Urban Restoration Enhancement Corporation (UREC)
UREC realizes the importance of its students' health and wellness. We are working with The Maxine Firm’s Ellen McKnight to provide monthly activities focused on building our students' understanding of health and wellness at both our Glen Oaks Park Elementary and Geo Prep Mid-City sites. Activities so far have included understanding where food comes from coupled with a gardening activity, yoga, and mental health awareness.
Front Yard Bikes
Friday Rides Program
Every Friday from 4:15 to 6:00PM we embark on a bike field trip. These rides include trips to parks, libraries, museums, monuments and more as we embrace the fun aspects of riding bikes while exploring educational and recreational opportunities available within safe biking distance. All participants are required to wear helmets and know the rules of the road.

Check the calendar here.

With support from NSBR we have a youth basketball league (Line4Line Clippers), coached by the barbers from O'Neils Barbershop. Over 30 boys and girls are part of this FREE program held at our neighborhood BREC park.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Louisiana
Explore innovative programs designed to empower youth to excel in school, become good citizens and lead healthy, productive lives. The staff of Boys & Girls Club is dedicated to promoting healthy thinking, life skills, and decision making.
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Find a club at https://bgcmetrolouisiana.org/